Vår dr. grads stipendiat, Jessica Fuller, har vært i Andenes (Vesterålen, Nord-Norge) over flere uker i perioden 2020–2023 og har intervjuet og samlet inn definisjoner og syn om bærekraft fra fiskere og andre borgere på Andøya. Dette arbeidet har nå blitt vitenskapelig publisert. Samtidig som Jessica har vært i feltet, har vi utviklet en metode …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
New Open Access book!
-By intern Imogen Gray, Sheffield University Post-pandemic, the #LoVeSeSDG project team continues to map the future direction of sustainable cooperation and development on the coast of Norway. An exciting new book chapter put forward by a collection of leading researchers in marine sustainability and earth sciences, from the University of Bergen, the Institute of Marine …
A Half-way Ph.D. Update with Jessica Fuller
By: E. Zoe Walker A PhD is a significant challenge for anyone, but even more so when working with a large array of stakeholders during a global pandemic that completely limits your ability to visit your case study or meet with people face-to-face. LoVeSeSDGs PhD Candidate, Jessica Fuller has embraced the challenge head-on and used …
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Ocean Literacy & Sustainability: The role of SURFING!
Ocean Literacy & Sustainability: There is a role for SURFING! People are more likely to protect something they understand. The role of Ocean Literacy is strong in our efforts to reach the action points in SDG14 “Life under Water”. Natalie Fox, #LoVeSeSDG PI Dorothy Jane Dankel, and Jamie Marshall published this past May in the …
Continue reading “Ocean Literacy & Sustainability: The role of SURFING!”
See Our Featured Video in ECO Magazine
By: E. Zoe Walker Environment, Coastal, and Offshore (ECO) Magazine has published a special digital issue about the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science, and LoVeSe-SDG has a video feature! The issue has seven chapters, with each focusing on one of the aspects of ‘the ocean we want’, as outlined by the UN Decade of …
Day Zero at SDG Conference Bergen 2021
Join #LoVeSeSDG on Day Zero at SDG Conference Bergen 2021! by E. Zoe Walker Mark off February 10 – 12 on your calendar to ensure you can attend SDG Conference Bergen! It promises to be an immersive, all-digital experience where you can learn new things, meet new people, update your current knowledge, or first dip …
Social networks and Sustainability
by E. Zoe Walker As we navigate our pandemic holiday season, we all find ourselves wondering – Who am I seeing? How regularly? Who do my contacts meet besides me? How meaningful or intense is this interaction? What impact might this socializing have on my community? And even more importantly – who am I not …
Pitch av “SDG Wizard”
Her gir prosjektleder Dorothy Dankel ein liten “pitch” 3-minutts video av det arbeidet vi gjer i #LoVeSeSDG prosjektet.
Welcome to our new Intern!
It takes a lot of dedication to be an ERASMUS+ intern these days. First of all you have to make the decision whether or not to travel to a foreign country, where you know nobody, in the uncertain times during a global pandemic. Second of all, when you make that decision, you have to isolate …
Ocean Sustainability Bergen 2020
The second annual Ocean Sustainability Bergen conference went hybrid this year, with #LoVeSeSDG project leader Dorothy Dankel in the “From Pins to Action” panel. Dorothy was “in studio” in the University Aula and gave a 5 minute presentation on the on-going work in #LoVeSeSDG. The Main message of her talk was that we must …